Superbike Loans Ltd is registered in England and Wales (Compant Registration number 08512842). Registered Addresss Snape Road, Macclesfield Cheshire, SK10 2NZ. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference number 671579), Registered with the information Commissioners Office (registration number ZA260050).
We can introduce you to a limited number of lenders and finance products to assist you with your vehicle purchase. We act on the lenders' behalf when making this introduction. We will not provide advice or recommendations. You must decide whether the finance product you choose is right for you. By providing us with your personal credit details, you will be giving us authority to submit a credit application on your behalf to our credit providers, each of which may record a search on your credit file. We will only pass your details onto a subsequent credit provider if the initial application to the first credit provider is not successful. The lenders we introduce you to will conduct a credit search. A maximum of one hard credit search may be conducted depending on the lender you are proposed to without us gaining further permission from you for a second hard credit search. Other lenders on our panel only perform a soft search which isn't visible to other lenders so will not affect their lending decision.
We will use the information you provide to help us arrange finance for the vehicle, including passing that information to the lenders we use and our trusted partners. Further information about how we collect, use, share and retain this information can be found in our Privacy Policy on our website Feel free to ask us for more information on the content of this policy
We do not charge any fee for arranging any of the financial services we offer.
If you wish to register a complaint, please contact: in writing or by phone; Customer Service Manager, Superbike Loans Ltd, Snape Road, Macclesfield, SK102NZ, by phone 01625 353001, by email, If you cannot settle your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service, free of charge. Their website details are: Time limits to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service may apply.